Friday, July 27, 2018


Hey there!

Want to hear an example of irony?  

I had anxiety starting this blog, LOL. 😁

Seriously, I had an idea one day to start a blog about anxiety, and started to feel anxious about starting it.  Like, will it be a good blog?  Will it help me and others who suffer from anxiety?  Is it even WORTH starting a blog about something so common?  Surely, there's probably thousands of blogs on the same subject.

I have dealt with anxiety (and it's best friend Depression) for a long time.  Probably since the onset of puberty.  Yeah, I think life started going downhill around the time i became a "woman".  I was pretty young, age 11, and I was torn between still wanting to play with dolls and wanting to hang out late with the older, more sophisticated kids.  It's a serious conundrum deciding between Barbies and trying cigarettes to look "cool".  Growing up is, well, a part of growing up.  Just like farting, EVERYBODY does it.  You can't escape it.  Some people will embrace it, and some, like me, will be confused from that point on.  

I really believe that the whole human race harbors some degree of depression and anxiety.  It's like the human condition to feel messed up sometimes.  Some people can hide it better than others, can deal with it better than others.

I figured that I would start this blog to find "the Others"---people like me---and maybe as a team we can conquer the evil demon that lives within us all, or at least learn to deal with it with a little support and humor.  Power in numbers and all that good shit.  

I'm ANXIOUS to begin...are you?

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